My Quick Launch 2016.1 incl Keygen [LATEST]

PC APP Quickly access various locations, files, folders or commands on your computer by relying on this lightweight application that comes ... thumbnail 1 summary
Quickly access various locations, files, folders or commands on your computer by relying on this lightweight application that comes with useful functions
If your work implies relying on your computer to solve several tasks, you might as well increase your overall accessibility by relying on various tricks.
My Quick Launch is one of the applications that can simplify your work by providing you with various useful tools that can help you access many items quicker.
Portable, lightweight application with a simple user interface
Since it is portable, this application does not require any installation, it does not tamper with your Windows registry entries, nor it does create any additional files or folders on your PC. It comes with a minimalistic user interface that encompasses useful functions and organizes them neatly.
However, note that it does not come with any form of local help documentation, therefore you cannot rely on a standard user guide in case you get stuck while operating it.
Provides you with quick access over various locations or commands
My Quick Launch is a lightweight utility that allows you to access several commands or locations from your computer in an easy, convenient manner. You can create custom entries by accessing the Command Manager tool, defining a command, specifying a corresponding file or folder location and, if needed, typing additional parameters.
After you provide the application with the required parameters, you just need to click the Add button, so that your item is imported within the list of commands. Alternatively, it is also possible to use a pre-defined list, if you want to test the program’s capabilities.
On-Screen Keyboard and command template creator
Furthermore, this application allows you to access a template tool where you can create custom entries, so that you can access them easier from the main window. An On-Screen Keyboard function is also provided on the main window, thus enhancing this utility’s overall accessibility.
To wrap it up, My Quick Launch is a lightweight utility that allows you to access various locations on your computer in a quick, convenient manner. However, note that it does not come with any form of help documentation.


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