Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 16.03011943 Full + Keygen

pc   Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 16.03011943 (40.49 Mb) is a very interesting and potent quality 3d graphics editor designed for auth... thumbnail 1 summary

Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker 16.03011943 (40.49 Mb) is a very interesting and potent quality 3d graphics editor designed for authoring 3D text, buttons and logos. The program offers a large number of ready-made templates and forms, which users can use to create any 3D volume text. Pogramma supports the creation of its own and a unique 3D text or logo. Aurora 3D Text & Logo Maker allows you to apply a set of editing options, such as bending, vyravnivanit, osveschenit, nalozhenit one object to another, etc. The application supports import fonts and SVG-graphics. The final version will be displayed in the form of PNG, TGA, TIFF, JPG, BMP, XPM and PPM-file.
Aurora 3D Text and Logo Maker 3d graphics editor has a set of special vpechatdlyayuschy – effects, animation, texture, with which you can decorate a 3D logo or text. During manufacture 3d logo, you can set the brightness level, add drop shadows, embossing, bevel edge, volume and more. Using the features of the program can make really interesting logos and 3D text that can be safely used in their web-projects, as well as in industrial design, or the creation of effective advertising boards, for commercial organizations.
Additional information:
Creating 3D text effects and animation of 3D in minutes for the web and your movie! You do not even need to be proficient on the layout or 3D Design basics!
  1. One click to add 3D objects (200+ templates)
  2. 3000+ Symbols and import SVG
  3. 50+ Professional Project templates
  4. 60+ Additional TrueType fonts
  5. 80+ Object Style
  6. One click apply animated effects (10+)
  7. Export to PNG, JPG, Tiff, BMP, GIF, TGA, etc.
  8. Export Animation for Film, SWF (Windows), GIF animation or image sequence as you want.
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