Light Flow Pro
It’s main features are:
– Controlling the notification LED for phones that have them (cycling colors through outstanding notifications)
– Sound control, including repeating sounds
– Vibration control, including custom vibration patterns and repeating vibrations
– Android wear vibration support
– Sleep times
– Lock screen based notifications (on phones that support live wallpapers on lock screens)
– Contact specific notifications for certain notification types
If you’ve come from a Blackberry device and miss the features of BeBuzz / BerryBuzz then give LightFlow a try!
This app will allow you to control the notification color for the over 600 applications and system events such as:
* Missed calls
* Voice mail
* Calendar reminders
* gmail
* SMS messages
* MMS messages
* Low battery
* No signal
* Google talk
…and many many more
Direct Download Link:

Light-Flow-Pro-LED-Notifications-v3.73.00 Full.apk
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